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Our Relationship with Technology

      Technology is something that we all spend a significant amount of time with every day. Whether it is using our phones to text a friend or the internet to look something up, there are myriad things that we have come to rely on to help us function day to day. This reliance is a scary thing, as so much of our lives revolve around technology that we are already unable to function in a day without power. Imagine what would happen on a global scale if we ran out of fuel for creating electricity or something happened that knocked out the power grid. We would be helpless.      I think that technology is a definite benefit to the world as a whole with how much it has improved our lives. Medicine has made progress in leaps and bounds; industry is more efficient than ever before; people are more connected with one another than was ever possible before. None of these things would have been possible without the invention and creation of new technology. In the medical field, advancements have

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