Blog Post #1

 Top 5 News Sources You Use

I use the BBC, YouTube,, CNN, and Twitter are my primary sources for news through out the day or when I feel the need to look something up.

I have found the BBC to be a great source for world news with an emphasis on European news. I very much enjoy understanding what goes on in the world and having the knowledge to talk about it. BBC does not spend what feels like its entire cycle of news on political parties and politics, allowing for other issues to come up, which I find to be a nice change of pace from the unending barrage of news like that from US news sources.

YouTube I generally use as a source for news and information on the games industry as well as some Formula1 content. This is because the video format allows content creators to take as much time as they deem necessary for issues or news stories. YouTube also allows creators to be unfettered by restrictions that may or may not be placed on larger news outlets by a parent company for what they can and cannot cover. is one of my sources for all things Formula1. This site covers news, interviews, and anything else important relating to the sport of F1. It is also the official site for the sport, so you know the information found there will be  up to date.

CNN is my main source for US news. I find it has fairly good coverage on different topics with an emphasis on politics. I find it to be an overall good source for much of what I use it for.

Twitter, while not a great source for new on its own, provides people with quick, easy access to see what headlines are out there today. This informs the user what they may or may not want to look into on other, more researched platforms/news outlets. 


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