Blog Post #3

     Of the Eight Values of Free Expression, there were three that really spoke to me. Those three were numbers five, six, and seven.

    Number Five of the Eight Values is Check on Governmental Power, which means that if the people decide that a part of government is acting beyond its bounds, they have the right to take steps to restrain that person or branch and prevent abuse of power. Examples of this are the Watergate Scandal and Irangate. Watergate was a very interesting case, but was the one which set the precedent about how presidential abuse of power should be handled in the modern era. This Value only works if the press and media is working with the people in order to keep them informed of any abuses of power that may occur during a president or other official's term, as was the case with Watergate. Because of the people's reactions and governmental response, Watergate led to the President resigning his post and leaving office before his term was up. The media's reach is stronger and more pervasive than ever in the digital age. Information is able to spread and be put out into the world faster than ever before. Meaning that there is no reason that people should not and could not be informed about what occurs in their government.

    Number Six of the Eight Values is Promote Tolerance. This Value applies to the way that people interact with each other and how all speech, even the hateful kind, is allowed. The type of tolerance can only be built by exposure to people with the opposite opinion from your own, even if that opinion is hateful or personally upsetting. The ability to even see another opinion that differs from what the government or other people push is something we should not take for granted. This exposure also informs us of what is and is not acceptable behavior or what should be considered worthy of condemnation. This type of thinking is very controversial on social media at the moment, especially as the proverbial "echo chamber" is becoming more and more prevalent on websites like Twitter or Facebook. Instead of having civil discourse and discussion about differing opinions, people are only seeing and listening to information and people that reinforce what they already believe. This can lead to a very, very divided nation and issues that should not be divisive becoming such.

    And finally, Number Seven is Promote Innovation. In this case, promote innovation is in relation to the idea that if people are allowed to argue and have civil discourse, then people will be more likely to use creativity and and fulfill themselves in many unique and diverse ways. People understanding each other allow them to see things from other points of view. This ability can help people to solve problems in ways they never would have otherwise, or to better understand what people can do to make themselves happy and content in a nation with so much to do, see, and comprehend.


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